Sunday, May 27, 2007

Magic Kamison Synopsis: Episode 3

Maja's plan to poison Don Vino has failed miserably, owing to the fact that the aged patriarch fancies Luming's cooking instead of hers. This drove the scheming Maja to get madder at the poor cook.

On a happier note, with Luming's new found look, she had easily made Charlie fall for her. On their following chance meeting, she told the young lad that he can meet her through Chuchay. And true enough, with Charlie's persistance, he had met the new and improved-looking, Luming, now named Mina. This started their constant meetings.

Much to the dismay of the poor Poy, who seems to have never got the chance to see Luming again, since her transformation, save for the time that Luming, who was then wearing the Magic Kamison called him and it was so unfortunate that Poy does not know her. Luming then realizes her mistake and fled instead. A friend then told Poy, who was with him at that time, that he never thought he knew someone as beautiful. Poy then replied that he does not prefer mestizas, and says "Black is beautiful" (Hint of things to come? I certainly hope for it).

Charlie now has invited the beauteous Luming to his party at the Blanco residence. Luming is now faced with a dilemma. If she goes to the party as Mina, how will she cook for Charlie, but if she remains as Luming, this could ruin her chances of getting more intimate with Charlie. Another problem is that Poy seems to want to pursue his feelings for Luming, but how now that beautiful Mina seems to show more interest to Charlie?

The next episode airs on June 3, 2007 at GMA after SOP.

**also go to Paulo's website for details and video and on other Paulo Avelino Stuff

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